Today’s video

I first saw this video early this morning while returning from a chess match in Bordeaux, and I thought that some of my readers might like it as much as I do. Now I am not a big fan of rap music, but this may BOOBA might change that for me!  


The video contains a couple of chess scenes with a young boy, though otherwise has nothing to do with the game.



‘Elie Yaffa, better known under his stage name Booba is a French rapper. After a brief stint as a break dancer in the early 1990s, Booba partnered with his friend Ali to form Lunatic. The duo released a critically acclaimed album in 2000 but disbanded in 2003. Booba has since embarked on a successful solo career, selling more than ten million discs over his career and becoming the most legally downloaded artist in French history. Today, Booba is an icon of modern French pop culture, typically revered for the quality of his flow and beats but often criticized because of controversial nature of his lyrics.’  wiki

‘The video below  tells the story of a young man’s journey from poverty in Africa, to drugs kingpin in Paris. It’s told in a series of sequences, seamlessly stitched together, that literally follow our main character through the key moments of his irresistable rise and eventual downfall – sometimes in command of his fate, sometimes not. Shot in Dakar in Senegal and Paris, it’s a mini-movie that clearly owes a debt to the likes of Scarface and Goodfellas, but also manages, in a few precise brush strokes, present a crime story that gives you a bigger picture. Very good indeed.’ link


You can see the lyrics HERE.