Art of Chess exhibit in Australia


A talking chess set; it actually insults you!

Forces of Good chess set

Forces of Evil chess set

A chess set made from ordinary kitchen items

Curator  Bryce

Artists make their move in The Art of Chess

By Jonathan Ridnell

The Art of Chess exhibition explores how artists view the ancient game. Curator Julia Royce takes us for a guided tour through the unique show
A chess set has two functions – it’s a great game to test your strategy and your patience, plus it can also be a work of art you can be proud to leave on display.
Imagine some of the world’s most innovative artists being asked to create a chess set. The end product is an exhibition called The Art of Chess.
There are chess sets made from exquisite glass and ceramic, sets made from rustic homemade pieces and even a chess set that speaks its mind.
Curator Julia Royce takes us through the exhibit.